Strengthening Relationships with Stakeholders

Basic stance

The Kyorin Group’s Charter of Corporate Conduct calls for it to “actively co-exist with society as a good corporate citizen ビット カジノ ioo contribute to society’s development.” To those ends, ビット カジノ ioo conduct sustainable corporate activities, we believe that strengthening our relationships with various stakeholders through dialogue is essential.

As we strive to contribute to society by developing and supplying new drugs that meet medical needs and offer high value, we will endeavor to provide medical professionals and patients with useful information, benefit the local communities that form the foundation for our business activities, promote partnerships with suppliers and business partners, anビット カジノ ionhance engagement with employees.

We will also promptly and appropriately disclose information, create opportunities for high-quality dialogue with investors, anビット カジノ iomphasize communication with stakeholders while fulfilling our social responsibilities, aiming to be a company whose significance is acknowledged by society.

Contributing to better health of people around the world through collaboration with partners (enhancing medical access)

We aim to contribute to the health of patients around the globe by proactively implementing partnering activities for out-licensed products discovered in-house. At present, we have licensees selling Imidafenacin in Southeast Asia and Central and South America.

Providing information to medical professionals

Promoting appropriate use of pharmaceuticals

Although concerns that the incorrect use of pharmaceuticals can harm a patient’s health exist, there are also cases of side effects appearing even if the pharmaceuticals are used correctly. We strive to quickly provide medical practitioners with accurate information for the appropriate use of Kyorin’s pharmaceutical products to ensure they are used safely anビット カジノ ioffectively.

We also collect information on products’ effectiveness and safety from medical facilities that use our products and convey the results of the analysis anビット カジノ iovaluation of that information to medical practitioners.

Following our sense of mission to contribute to people’s health, we act according to high ethical standards and conduct business in strict compliance with relevant laws and regulations, guidelines, industry rules, and internal guidelines including our Corporate Charter.

Responding to drug inquiries

We consider it our responsibility to provide reliable drug information that is both fair and impartial in response to inquiries from patients and medical practitioners. By fulfilling this responsibility, we are promoting the appropriate use of safe anビット カジノ ioffective products. To accomplish this mission, we established the Drug Information Center to respond to a broad range of inquiries.

When answering inquiries related to pharmaceutical product information, we aim to provide consistent, appropriate, ビット カジノ ioccurate information, ビット カジノ iore continuously working to improve our ability to respond with the latest objective, factual data.

We also collect ビット カジノ ionalyze data related to product information and inquiries to provide patients and medical practitioners with high-quality replies. In addition to providing concise, swift, ビット カジノ ioccurate answers, this framework facilitates the analysis of patients’ and medical practitioners’ needs, information that is useful in product life-cycle management.

* Number of inquiries: Approximately 24,800 (fiscal 2023)

Providing information to medical professionals

Public website for medical professionals

We strive to meet the information needs of medical professionals by posting product-related information, the latest academic information, and other information useful in daily medical care on Kyorin Medical Bridge and other websites for medical professionals.

Providing information via “Doctor Salon”

We sponsor “Doctor Salon,” a radio program for physicians on Radio NIKKEI that answers questions related to day-to-day clinical practice from general practitioners across Japan. In addition, the program’s content is distributed as a brochure with back issues available on a website, ビット カジノ ion audio version is distributed as a podcast.

Providing information about disease

We assist medical professionals in creating disease information tools for informed consent from patients, with the aim of helping patients correctly understand disease and improving their quality of life (QOL).

Collaborating with medical professionals

Supporting the Department of Drug Discovery Medicine

We helpeビット カジノ iostablish and support the Department of Drug Discovery Medicine at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine to cultivate innovative human resources for Japan’s drug discovery through cooperation between industry and academia.

Supporting the Medical Education Project

We contribute to the improvement of quality in medical care by creating educational opportunities for medical professionals and improving their knowledge and skills through support for the Medical Education Project, planned and managed by the Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, Inc.

Providing information to patients ビット カジノ ioheir families

Course for the general public

Photo: Course for ビット カジノ ioeneral public

In June 2023, we held a course for the general public on concerns about prolonged coughing and how to deal with it to help the general public better understビット カジノ iohe disease.

Public website for patients

Milton brand official account

Milton brand official account

In July 2022, we launched an official Instagram account for the Milton brビット カジノ ioo provide product information and useful material for people raising children or expecting children.

Living in harmony with local communities

Classroom visits

Photo: Classroom visits

Since fiscal 2017, we have visiteビット カジノ iolementary and junior high school classrooms nationwide to teach and demonstrate to the children representing the next generation the correct ways of taking medicine and washing their hands.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, online classroom visits were added in fiscal 2021.

Work experience programs

Photo: Work experience programs

To deepen public understanding of pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceuticals, each Group business facility offers internships, provides workplace tours, ビット カジノ iorranges hands-on workshops for junior and senior high school students.

Supporting a hands-on science event for children

Kyorin Group Presents ビット カジノ ioreat Adventure for the Karada-no-Himitsu (the Body’s Secrets)

The Kyorin Group has supported the “Kyorin Group Presents the Great Adventure for the Karada-no-Himitsu (the Body’s Secrets)” program since 2016, with the idea of supporting healthy lives for children, who will lead the next generation.

Since 2023, this event has been held on an even larger scale as the Ultimate Great Adventure for the Karada-no-Himitsu.

Also, in fiscal 2018, we launched the event-linked website Teach Me—Doctors Explain the Great Adventure for the Karada-no-Himitsu, which provides videos for children describing the body’s workings anビット カジノ ioxplaining diseases to deepen their interest and motivate them to learn more.

Local cleanup activities

Photo: Local cleanup activities

As a responsible member of the local community, the Group actively participates in cleanups of local districts, including the areas around its business facilities.

  • Group companies (head offices, branches, plants, research centers): cleanup activities around business facilities
  • Noshiro Plant: Cleanup activities in Nakashima Park at Noshiro Port, at sites after a fireworks display, ビット カジノ iot the Kaneyu, a former Japanese-style restaurant
  • Inami Plant: Cleanup activities at Zuisenji Temple
  • Shiga Plant: Participation in prefectural government-promoteビット カジノ ionvironmental beautification activities in the Koka district of Shiga Prefecture

Donations to areas affected by natural disasters

As useful support for those affected by disasters, the Group provided relief goods.

  • Support for those affected by heavy rains caused by a seasonal rain front ビット カジノ ioyphoon No. 2 in June 2023: Environmental hygiene supplies (Rubysta, Noahtect® Pro)
  • Support for those affected by heavy rains in northern Kyushu caused by a seasonal rain front in July 2023: Environmental hygiene supplies (Milton, Noahtect)
  • Support for those affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in January 2024: Environmental hygiene supplies (Rubysta, Milton, Milton moisturizing hand disinfectant gel) and donation of ¥10 million via the Japanese Red Cross Society
  • Support for those affected by heavy rains in the Hokuriku region in August 2022: Environmental hygiene supplies (Rubysta)
  • Support for those affected by heavy rains in Aomori Prefecture in August 2022: Environmental hygiene supplies (Rubysta, Milton)

First-aid and lifesaving courses for employees

Photo: First-aid and lifesaving courses for employees

Group employees including roughly 630 Kyorin medical representatives received training on the need for first aid, CPR, the use of AEDs, and ways to stop bleeding.

Dialogue with shareholders and investors

Constructive dialogue

Photo: Constructive dialogue

Members of our senior management, in addition to IR staff, hold meetings with institutional investors. Furthermore, officers responsible for communication and IR staff work with management to engage in dialogue with analysts, institutional investors, ビット カジノ iohe press by holding results briefings to explain our first-half and full-year financial results.

They also provide a rundown of the Company’s situation to the media when quarterly financial results are announced. Furthermore, we endeavor to create opportunities for members of senior management to visit institutional investors for direct dialogue.

The opinions and views expressed by shareholders in those dialogues are periodically reported to senior management and officers with specified responsibility and, when necessary, also presented to the Management Committee, thereby ensuring that management receives timely ビット カジノ ioppropriate feedback.

General shareholders’ meeting

We send out the convocation notice earlier than legally required to secure sufficient time for shareholders to consider proposals to be voted on at the general shareholders’ meeting.

We also publish the notice electronically in accordance with rules for the electronic provision of information, posting it on our website ビット カジノ iohat of the Tokyo Stock Exchange one business day earlier than the legally mandated date.

Appropriate information disclosure

We have established guidelines for information disclosure ビット カジノ iohe prevention of insider trading and disclose information fairly.

To ensure that information is not disclosed selectively to specific parties and that inside information is kept confidential, we provide periodic education for officers anビット カジノ iomployees.

Timely disclosure

Our basic stance on corporate information disclosure is prescribed by our Corporate Charter and Compliance Guidelines.

We promptly and appropriately disclose corporate information required under the Financial Instruments anビット カジノ ioxchange Act of Japan and the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Timely Disclosure Rules.