![Photo: Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer Yutaka Ogihara](/assets/img/company/company_message_img_01.jpg)
One hundred years after our founding, the Kyorin Group’s unchanging mission is to “contribute to better health”
The Kyorin Group marked the 100th anniversary of our founding in June 2023. Hiroshi Ogihara, Kyorin’s founder and my grandfather, decided to go into business to help many sick people at the same time by manufacturing and selling medicines. He founded Toyo Shinyaku Sha, the predecessor of KYORIN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., in Omori-ku, Tokyo (part of today’s Ota-ku, Tokyo), in 1923. That was the beginning of the Kyorin Group. Established as Tokyo was recovering from the Great Kanto Earthquake, the company has continued through the Taisho, Showa, Heisei, and Reiwa periods, though that path has by no means been smooth.
We therefore made steady progress one step at a time through the eff orts of my predecessors and approached our 100th anniversary with deep emotion. I would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has assisted and supported the Kyorin Group to date.
The idea of wanting “to contribute to better health” goes back to the time of the Kyorin Group’s founding and continues today in our corporate philosophy of “fulfi lling our mission of cherishing life and benefi ting society by contributing to better health” and our corporate message of “Your Health is Kyorin’s Mission.”
The slogan for our 100th anniversary is “Wishing you good health for the next 100 years.” That time frame, which is neither a goal nor a checkpoint, instead expresses a new starting line and incorporates our strong desire to contribute anew to people’s health for the next 100 years.
The Group’s senior management, myself included, will use this opportunity to work even harder toward the Kyorin Group’s continuous growth and development as we enter this next stage.
Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
Yutaka Ogihara