ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナスs Business: Drug Discovery and Development

Technologies related to ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナス development are becoming more complex for reasons including increasingly diverse drug discovery modalities and basic technologies, as well as the spread of digital transformation (DX).

With drug discovery technologies becoming more sophisticated and the difficulty of achieving them increasing, Kyorin aims to contribute to people’s health by pursuing drug discovery innovation through ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナス discovery strategies and continuously creating high-value new products that meet medical needs.

In addition to our specialty area of small molecule drug discovery, we will actively utilize nucleic acid drug discovery and new external technologies as new modalities to create ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナスs with higher value by incorporating superior external technologies into our own technologies and ideas.

We will also focus on developing human resources through measures including proactive collaboration with external organizations to enhance the expertise of our researchers and broaden their perspectives, as we work to achieve the targets set under the medium-term business plan “Vision 110 -Stage1-.”

Changing environment(internal and external)

  • Increasing sophistication and difficulty of drug discovery
  • Diversification and complexity of drug discovery modalities and basic technologies
  • Evolution and proliferation of digital technologies


  • Development of basic research technologies to increase drug discovery research opportunities
  • Acceleration of research through activation of open innovation
  • Use of big data and AI to streamline R&D
  • Increase in new treatment options thanks to digital technologies


  • Increasingly competitive environment due to development of research technologies and acceleration of environmental changes
  • Rise in development costs due to stricter clinical trials and stricter approval of ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナスs
  • Market contraction due to reform of drug pricing system and its impact on business viability

Medium-term business plan
Vision 110 –Stage1– initiatives

Business strategyStrengthening drug discovery capability to create high-value ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナスs that meet medical needs

Pursue drug innovation through ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナス discovery strategies

  • Engage in drug discovery using novel technologies for existing treatments that have issues, in addition to drug discovery for diseases where drug contribution is low
  • Combine drug discovery technologies and disease research to create new high-value drugs
  • Drug discovery technologies: Deploy nucleic acid drug discovery and new external technologies, in addition to small molecule drug discovery
  • Disease research: Focus on fibrosis, immune and inflammatory disorders, and other diseases

Initiatives under the medium-term business plan

Pursue drug discovery innovation through ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナス discovery strategies.

ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナス discovery strategies

In the Group’s core business of ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナスs, the continuous creation of ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナスs is difficult. To address this issue, we need to pursue drug discovery programs and formulate exit strategies for progressing to clinical trials, and we have strengthened our organizational functions to this end.

By combining drug discovery technologies and disease research (drug discovery targets), we are taking on the challenge of “drug discovery innovation” to create new value. To date, we have been working to create ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナスs to address unmet medical needs (diseases where drug contribution is low).

However, we also engage in drug discovery that demonstrates clinical significance by deploying new technologies to address issues with existing treatments.

We are also creating and pursuing drug discovery programs more effectively by narrowing our focus to areas where we can use our drug discovery capabilities and concentrating management resources in three specific areas of drug discovery research (fibrosis, pain, and autoimmune disorders).

Strengthen collaboration with external organizations and pursuing drug discovery programs

We have created a new structure for external collaboration in fibrosis research and are using the results of our collaboration with academia to move on to the next step. We are also considering measures including joint research in other areas with domestic companies, international companies, and academia.

In drug discovery technology, meanwhile, we will build a foundation in nucleic acid drug discovery and utilize external technologies, in addition to reinforcing our capabilities in small molecule drug discovery, one of our strengths. In January 2024, we concluded a joint research agreement with Veneno Technologies Co. Ltd., under which we are carrying out a program to obtain functional disulfide-rich peptides (DRPs) using Veneno’s next-generation peptide discovery technology. By incorporating superior external research and technologies into our own technologies and ideas, we will create ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナスs that offer new value.

We will engage in selection and concentration of research themes that create value while formulating and verifying exit strategies. In the initial exploratory research stage, we will pursue drug discovery activities that emphasize scientific approaches to create target therapeutic profiles. After optimization research into leading compounds, we will use target product profiles to decide whether to move forward.

Expand development pipeline through in-licensing and formulating development and medical strategies to maximize value

We will further strengthen cooperation between relevant departments to accelerate the evaluation and acquisition of in-licensing candidates, while formulating development strategies from a unique perspective with a constant awareness of novel clinical evaluation methods and therapeutic strategies for development candidates.

Regarding the licensing agreement concluded in January 2020 with U.S.-based aTyr Pharma, Inc. for KRP-R120: efzofitimod (genetic recombination), a fusion protein formulation, we started Phase III multiregional clinical trials in September 2022.

Those trials are progressing well. In November 2022, we concluded an agreement with SUSMED, Inc. for the joint development and marketing of KRP-DT123, a therapeutic application in the otolaryngology field. In September 2023, we began specific clinical research for the treatment of tinnitus.

We envision diversifying our modalities and pursuing global development as we expand our development pipeline, including for in-licensed products. This approach will allow us to develop unique strategies while strengthening our regulatory function.

Image: Try for drug innovation through ビット カジノ 初回 入金 ボーナス discovery strategies