Medium-term Business Plan “ビット カジノ 違法 -Stage 1-”

Performance targets in ビット カジノ 違法 -Stage 1-


Performance targets (consolidated basis)

Growth potential
[Net sales]
CAGR at least 2%
[Operating profit before deduction of ビット カジノ 違法D expenses]
(operating profit + ビット カジノ 違法D expenses)
At least16%

Capital policy and shareholder return

Capital policy
Our capital policy is to improve capital efficiency through investment for growth and shareholder returns, while maintaining a sound financial base.
Shareholder returns
Regarding shareholder returns, we will continue stable dividends, taking into account the dividend on equity ratio (DOE).

Improve the company value according to meet high profitability by executing the medium business plan

  • Maximize the ratio of new drugs and optimize cost competition
  • Increase of ビット カジノ 違法D expenses (strengthen the drug discovery capability, expand of development pipeline
  • Expand capital investments
  • Enhance human capital