Medium-term Business Plan “ビット カジノ 違法 -Stage 1-”

ビット カジノ 違法ion 110 -Stage 1-

Long-term Vision “ビット カジノ 違法” is divided into three stages (Stage1: FY2023-FY2025, Stage2: FY2026 -FY2029, and Stage3: FY2030-FY2032). Statement in ビット カジノ 違法-Stage1- is "transforming into the business structure to realize ビット カジノ 違法", and the following five business strategies will be promoted with the aim of achieving performance targets and improving support and evaluations from stakeholders.

ビット カジノ 違法 -Stage1-

  1. 1Strengthening drug discovery capability to create high-value ビット カジノ 違法s that meet medical needs
  2. 2Expansion of development pipeline through in-licensing
  3. 3Maximization of the ratio of ビット カジノ 違法s
  4. 4Promoting healthcare-related businesses that have synergies with the ビット カジノ 違法s business
  5. 5Building a sustainable corporate foundation


ビット カジノ 違法s business

Drug Discovery


Creation of ビット カジノ 違法s from long-term perspective

Strengthen the drug discovery capability to create high-value ビット カジノ 違法s that meet medical needs

  • Try for drug innovation through ビット カジノ 違法 discovery strategies


Investment of resource

Enhancement of development pipeline

Expansion of development pipeline through in-licensing

  • Significantly strengthen in-licensing ability
  • Promote DTx development

Marketing, SCM, Reliability Assurance

Driving force of revenue

Maximization of profitability

Maximization of the ratio of ビット カジノ 違法s

  • Maximize the extension of ビット カジノ 違法s
  • Ensure the stable supply of high-quality drugs

Healthcare-related business

GE business

  • Achieve sustainable growth in the generic drugs business
  • Strengthen production capacity for drugs and reduce manufacturing costs

Other business

  • Promote infectious disease-related business